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About us

Logo UniSport

Logo UniSport

The university sports center of the Freie Universität offers a wide range of sports, workshops and sport trips. Furthermore we offer a program in the FUndament Health such as a consultation service for university members and within the framework of free capacities also for external users.

Considering the mission statement of the university and the goals for the university sports we design a extensive and high-quality program with over 120 kind of sports with over 800 single events every semester.

We see ourselves as a provider of popular sports-oriented content that is suitable for getting to know different types of sport, finding one's own life-time sport and serving a healthy life balance.
The competitive sport in most varied of levels, as one of the central motives for sport, is realized in a variety of ways either.


University sports offer a special opportunity for intercultural exchange and makes a significant contribution to the open and integrative culture at Freie Universität Berlin.
The health maintenance of all members of the Freie Universität should be promoted and stimulate lifelong exercise. All of this runs under the slogan „moving campus“.

We work in a team with a successful mix of experienced employees and young professionals who actively face the challenges of university sports at a modern and internationally oriented university location.

We offer students in various functions the opportunity to get to know a modern and diverse sports company from the inside. We are also a training company for the professions eventmanger*in and sports and fitness administration.

Under the conditions of a university that is subject to constant change and the size and importance of the Freie Universität Berlin, change itself is the essential constant of our work.

We are continuously developing our programs and content, trying to attract course instructors for new sport trends and to find partners for creative projects in the future.

Consider the internationalization of the university and the university location as a whole, we are systematically expanding our international network, integrating the experience from other universities in Europe into our own work and maintaining an intensive collegial exchange.


Our mission statement

We, the UniSport of Freie Universität (central university sports facility), align our actions with the following principles:

Emotional. Healthy, enthusiastic.
We are experts in exercise at the university, initiators for an active lifestyle and motivators for health and wellbeing.


Competently. Service-oriented, high quality.
We combine excellent offers with service-oriented thinking and make university sports a competent, reliable and indispensable part of university sports.

Varied . Innovative. Diverse.
With our varied opportunities for movement in different formats, we encourage encounters and exchanges, always remain innovative and orientate ourselves towards the needs of our target groups

Respectful. Tolerant. Fair.
We create a respectful togetherness without barriers and actively advocate fair sport in which tolerance is lived.

Sustainable. Deliberately. Connecting.
We act in an exemplary manner, use our resources responsibly and sustainably and are involved in regional, national and international networks.

We look forward to constructive suggestions and your participation!

The UniSport Team


Königin-Luise-Straße 47 
14195 Berlin

Telefon: +49-(0)30-838 58156
E-Mail:  info@hochschulsport.fu-berlin.de